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Wednesday, January 04, 2006

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Dreamed a PuRpLe DrEaM

2005 has alas come to an end. all in all, 2005 ended quite well, with many happy beginnings, especially in friendship, and development of my interest, that is, in the media. had quite a number of projects that earned me some income, and i'm happy with that. thankful for the good friends that i've made, the new friendships that have formed in the year of 2005 and also grateful that i had wonderful clients who leave me to do whatever i like. absolutely sweet. all in all, 2005 had been a good year. though it hadnt been smooth in my personal relationships like family and bgf... i do hope things will change this year. and that people will be happier this year.
now that the new year has begun... we ought to make resolutions. and something interesting to note, meiqi's new year resolution : "stop making any more resolutions". that's pretty cool aint it? i begin to loathe the idea of making resolutions since i never manage to achieve my goals. but that's laziness on my part. i need to push myself. i know it, yet i don't act upon it. it's crazy, isn't it. yeah.. i need to push myself, i really need to. oh god... my new year resolutions, i suppose, would be...
to lose 10 kgs this year (all my life i've been wishing this)...
by going gym at least 3 times a week
2. to be more hardworking
by fulfilling my 25 hours of developing my interest and 15 hours of studying a week
3. to keep my room tidy at all times
by packing what i need for school the day before so i can have time to tidy up my stuff, throw my bag into places where i cannot see
4. to stop being late for classes
by waking up early and not sit down in front of the fan stoning for 30 mins after bath
5. to get out of screensaver mode
this one, i have no idea how i can make it happen.. but i'll study into it.

any idea what's screensaver mode? it's a lingo someone uses on me. most of the time my brain is just -blank- and.. i just stare into space. but thank god i wont do that when i'm talking. but when i'm typing, it's prolly a different story. so u see... my resolutions are few, but difficult to achieve. firstly, look. i just wrote out my time chart. 25 hours and 15 hours that makes 40 hours a week. a week has got 168 hours only.
168 - 40 = 128 hours
128 hours left for day time, which consists of meals, school and my social life, and of course. sleep.and if i divide it by 7, i'll get approx 16 hours a day for the above activities. school take up like 8 hours. and that means.. i prolly can only sleep like 6 hours. this is what i call no life. but of course, every day has got different timings as to what i must do... so prolly that sounds easier. whatever it is...... i gotta push myself!

as for losing weight, since i've been making such a resolution for as long as i can remember, better lose my 10 kg of lard before i turn 21! and before i turn 22, i better lose another 10 kg more. now u know how heavy i am. i guess.. 10kg a year isn't too difficult? but it's difficult for me. i have this habit of binge eating, whom i guess friends around me would have noticed. when i see food, i turn into a pig. after i've eaten, i feel like "god, did i really eat that? how sinful!" and i smile. goodness gracious. so u see how difficult it would be for me? moreover... know what's my goal to lose weight? so i can buy cheap clothes and look like jLo. hahaha. actually.. i dont know what's my reason to lose weight. but.... i know chances of me getting a job will be higher if i lose weight by graduation. there are so many disadvantages of being oversized.

most of us deny, but deep down we all know it. ahh.. the forgotten voices of the big and beautiful :P
the rest are fairly simple. i'm sure i'll be able to complete it.

yup.. that's about it. cheers to 2006!

some random pix...

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starbursts from countdown at the esplanade
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my darlin' at her favourite spot
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Dreamed a PuRpLe DrEaM

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