Sunday, April 30, 2006
my posts come in torrents :Pbeen having so many late nites recently. but i still feel that i'm not studying efficiently. i dont seem to remember ANYTHING i've studied!!! and my exams are just 10 days away. bollocks!
it's so boring to always have problems that are mostly studies related... it'd be nice to have some relationship problems isn't it? i must be mad! relationship problems!!! who says it's nice to have relationship problems!!???
talkin about relationships.... jason just got married yesterday. and..... i didnt go to his wedding. and! he's disappointed that i didnt go. not talkin to me at the moment. wait till he receives my card full of love. haa.... i just love 1 corinthians 13:4-7. simply... romantic, nice, sweet, TRUE.
to tell u the truth, i havent been really studying hard lately. having quite some fun fooling around. lol... went to xinling's birthday! lucky girl.. had 2 bday celebrations and some really wonderful presents.
do all of us actually have a right to be selfish? is being selfish good or bad? i think i'm rather selfish of late... but is it wrong to want to have the best of everything and not put my heart and soul into it? looking from another point of view, it is wrong. but from the position that i am in.... they didnt say it's wrong of me to do so.. and they didnt object.. though they know that's exactly where i'm heading to. what should i do........ help might come pouring in, but my heart and mind will not open up to any comments. i'm THE silly old fool.
i bet my folks and people around me will not be able to accept.. if i set my heart to be with him. firstly, he's of a different race. secondly, he's 16 years my senior... by the time i decide to get married, he'll already be near 50.... and when i'm 60, he'll be 76........ and..... i dont know if men live that long.... oh well.... i should shuff this up my shelf of thoughts and deal with it when there is a need to. for now, i'll just be led blindly by whatever the wind takes me to, or brings to me.
cheers to a life filled with tequila ponds.
Dreamed a PuRpLe
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
hoho.. 'tis yet another huge update!! rejoice, won't ya??? oh well.. they say all work and no play makes jane a dull girl. am i not another dull girl with these pics? certainly not. i've been partying the weekends away. and it's pretty worth it. lol... though at the back of my mind i'm furiously culcalating the number of hours i have to spend to make up these time lost. time i spent wisely with thse friends of mine.
secondary school gatherings. such a coincidence, they fall one after the other. the latest event was that of my secondary 4 class gathering, which was coincidentally angela's birthday.
he-man and i
hail the royal bitch!!!
joeyyy... poor joey!
caroline n me
obviously our class is not photogenic at all. oh, we just loathe picture whoring
band gathering... and these people dont know the place where they are eating!!!
cute boy weijie, elsie, xinyi, xiuhua... where is qing???
sisters in green. lol lame.
qing n mi
elsie and i
recently.. life is just so dull... waking up everyday and going to school for revision and revision classes. argh... but today, my life just got a lil more exciting. god. amos is a psychotic, terrifying, intimidating lecturer. he's actually pretty humourous at times and terribly insane at times. so.. to conclude it all... i felt like putting on an invisible cloak when he's asking questions. scary...
time to sleep and get crazy.
my cute grandma and mi
mummy n i
that's my dad.... look at his silly face
Dreamed a PuRpLe
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
now.. join me :)take a deep breathe... we'll blow away all the dust settling on my blog. teeheehee...
it's been such a long time since i last logged onto blogspot. i prefer msn spaces so much better... but well.. blogger is still pretty good. so i'm not planning to forsake it for-ever.
my house pretty chaotic now. i hear glasses being broken and my grandma and dad screaming at each other. somehow.. i feel like battering my dad to death. no........ i dont know. he just irks me at times.. i shouldn't be such a foul mouth and wish things like that... but you know sometimes.. desperation leads you to process unthinkable thoughts and actions. i'll just rub my hands and mouth with chilli later. sigh. i'm really envious of those people with happy families.. and a dad that doesnt drink nor smoke. now i'm dead set on finding a husband who doesnt drink...... but i guess that'd be pretty boring. no one to share my tequila with. no.. i want a husband who's a social drinker. and he shall know his limits and stop when he needs to. that'd be perfect.
now.. to update on my life. over the past month or so, i've been mugging firstly for my prelims. oh boy. it was terrible... half prepared and i failed pretty badly. if i was fully prepared, it'd score me a passing grade. and know what... the passing mark is only 34. and it's so difficult to obtain. even the most conscientious student i've ever come across at school barely passed. an upper class is so beyond reach. but she always encourages me.... "believe and u can do it. believe not, and u shall fail."
already decided on the modules i'm gonna be taking for the next 2 years. interested to know?? i think u'll all die of boredom. but it's my blog :P and u'll know what exactly is my course like...
Year 1
- math and stats 1
- principles of banking and finance
- introduction to economics
- the law of business organisations
Year 2
- principles of accounting
- elements of social and applied psychology
- corporate finance
- macroeconomics
Year 3
- investment management
- financial intermediation
- introduction to international relations
- marketing
that was a bored wasn't it... lol. i wanted to take intellectual property law.. but i need to pass the requisite of taking elements of contract law.. so i have to push it away :( it'd be interesting, IPLaw.
lately the london lecturers have flown down to give us revision classes. some of them are a bore and some are pretty interesting. have an intention to skip the class tomorrow.. but i guess i better make my pennies worth!
i'm glad to say i have a group of very motivating friends at school. we push each other to study.. so it's pretty good. i'm becoming more and more like a nerd.
my exams end in june.. so i'll be free then :) u know what to do hor.... lol.
Dreamed a PuRpLe